Seolcheon-myeon, Muju-gun, Jeollabuk-do
Latitude and longitude (35.957031.127.815889)|Coordinates (75,92)
- As of November11, 2024 (Mon) -
Today (Mon 11.11)
- Wind speed/direction SE/1.4M
- Humidity90%
- Hourly precipitation0.0MM
Tomorrow (Tue 11.12)Low7℃ High19℃
- Wind speed/directionSW/1.3M
- Humidity95%
- Hourly precipitation0.0MM
Day after tomorrow (Wed 11.13)Low11℃ High19℃
- Wind speed/directionNW/1.6M
- Humidity85%
- Hourly precipitation0.0MM
Hourly weather
- Present 10.0 24:00
- 9.0℃ 3:00
- 9.0℃ 6:00
- 12.0℃ 9:00
- 16.0℃ 12:00
- 17.0℃ 15:00
- 12.0℃ 18:00
- Tomorrow 9.0℃ 21:00
- 8.0℃ 24:00
- ℃ :00
※ Lightning forecasts are only available in short-range forecasts.
※ Coordinates are the unique grid information defined by the Korea Meteorological Administration for local forecasts.