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2020 Taekwondowon Poomsae Training Camp

Board View
  • 2020-01-22
  • Admin
  • view1512

2020 Taekwondowon Poomsae Training Camp

 Taekwondo Promotion Foundation(TPF) would like to invite Taekwondo national teams to the 『2020 Taekwondowon Poomsae Training Camp』. This camp is aimed at the high achievement for 「HERNING 2020 WORLD TAEKWONDO POOMSAE CHAMPIONSHIPS」.


A. Event: 2020 Taekwondowon Poomsae Training Camp

B. Period: March 7 ~ 20, 2020 / 13N 14D

( Check-In: March 7, 2020 / Check-Out: March 20, 2020)

C. Venue: Taekwondowon(Muju) / WT Central Training Center

D. Qualification of Participants: Taekwondo national team members participating in the 「HERNING 2020 WORLD TAEKWONDO POOMSAE CHAMPIONSHIPS」

1) 1 Coach(obligatory) and 4 Athletes of Recognized Poomsae (maximum) per Member National Association

  2) Coach and athletes without any reason for disqualification in entering Rep. of Korea

   ※ TPF cannot guarantee entry into Republic of Korea. It is the responsibility of each athletes and MNA to apply for and secure the correct entry visa for Republic of Korea.

E. Total camp capacity: 40 people


A. Orientation

B. Welcome and farewell ceremony

C. Taekwondo professional training program


A. Participants are responsible for their own round-trip airfares while the expenses for room and board will be covered by TPF.

* TPF does not cover the individual insurance of participants. If participation is confirmed later, participants must submit the certificate of individual insurance after signing up for insurance.

B. Participants must be recommended by MNA president.

4. TRANSPORTATION(Airport to Taekwondowon)

A. Airport shuttle bus service will be provided for participants free of charge by TPF.


A. Deadline for application: by no later than February 7, 2020.

B. Fill in the camp application form and submit it to the TPF by e-mail to

※ The recruitment follows the internal selection procedure.

C. Result Announcement: February 14, 2020 / By Representative`s e-mail

D. Inquiry: Lee Seung-jun / Manager / Department of Promotion / TPF

1) Tel: (+82)-63-320-0074

2) E-mail:

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